What is Concierge Real Estate?

What is Concierge Real Estate?

Concierge Real Estate is an important concept to consider when executing your Real Estate goals. The Blankinship Group is dedicated to bringing our clients the absolute best in trusted resources they need when moving, relocating, renovating, repairing, or inspecting! It can be difficult to know who to trust! We have local experience with service providers to share with our clients to elevate your Real Estate experience with superior ancillary partners! Below are just a few resources we stand behind so you can save time searching and interviewing when you should be focused on your Real Estate endeavors!

Ø Home Inspectors, Termite Inspectors, Radon Inspectors

Ø Roof Inspectors and HVAC Inspectors/Unit Servicing

Ø Septic Inspectors and Pumping

Ø Plumbers and Electricians

Ø House Cleaners and Commercial Building Cleaners

Ø Accountants, Lawyers, Estate Planers

Ø Contractors and Handyman Services

Ø Painters and Quality Flooring Installers

Ø Private School Contacts

Ø Garage Door Installers

Ø Foundation Inspectors and Specialists

Ø Gardner and Yard Maintenance

The Blankinship Group Real Estate Professionals believe that Concierge Real Estate is a critical service when you partner with us in all types of Real Estate transactions. Whether you are buying a home, a commercial building, land, or investment, we are here to guide you through to success!

Work With Us

It is our sincere objective to help families and investors alike through the extensive process of buying and selling real estate with the highest level of transparency, respect and dedication.

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